Welcome to The Keester Club!

Welcome to The Keester Club!

The Keester Club is here!

Thank you so much for joining. I've put a lot of time and love into getting this project off the ground, so your support truly means a lot.

As I'm sure you're aware, I've become "The guy who draws butts." That was not my life plan, but here we are. While these drawings are fun and goofy, I've been trying to find a way to be more intentional with them. My goal as an artist has always been to be community focused in my work and The Keester Club is my biggest attempt yet.

As the club grows, I truly hope this becomes a source of joy and color in an increasingly sad, gray world. I'll try my best to not only create fun pieces of art, but create opportunities to support others along the way. Community stories and member-led fundraising are just two of the ways I'm doing that right now. From here on out, 10% of membership and butt product proceeds will be shared with deserving organizations and members will have a voice in where that money goes. As time goes on, I hope to find new ways to bring people together, celebrate each other, and shine light on causes that need attention.

I've also spent a lot of time designing and making some merch that I think you'll really like. I'm making it all by hand in my studio, from screen printing the shirts, to sublimating the coffee mugs, to laminating your membership cards. 

If you haven't already explored the Keester Clubhouse, I hope you'll take a look around. Submit a song to Keester Radio, read about our current fundraising organization, or grab yourself a new booty phone background. As time goes on, that space will fill up with stories, new free content, and who knows what else. If you've got ideas or a story you'd like to highlight, please let me know! You can always email me.

Thanks again for joining the club, I hope you enjoy it. It may be called The Keester Club, but it's about a lot more than just butts.

- Joe


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Join The Keester Club

Join the fight against an isolating, gray world! Through the power of butts, Keester Club members bring a bit of color and joy to the world. From supporting artists, to raising money, the club is about a lot more than butts.

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