Portrait of sunstoney smiling against a yellow backdrop. Photo credit: Julianna Photography

Keester Feature: Sunstoney

"We rise by lifting others is the motto!" - Sunstoney

I'm excited to feature Sunstoney (Eman) and her music as one of March's Keester Features. I've had the opportunity to chat with Eman a few times at shows around Denver, initially connecting over our mutual love for Bombay Bicycle Club, and it's always been such a delight. Not only does she make great music, but she's also supporting other artists around the country, sharing their work on her podcast, The Burnt CD. The Keester Club is about bringing more color to the world, and Eman's art and personality are an explosion of that color and joy. The energy is contagious, and the vibes are immaculate.

Between a new single and EP release, and multiple shows in March and April, Sunstoney has a lot going on. Her latest single, "The Mirror is Calling," drops on March 15, 2024. You can catch her live at The Skylark Lounge on April 9, along with Barbara and Sun Glaciers. Please take a moment to learn more about her work and inspirations below.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? How did you get started as musician and who are some artists that have influenced your sound?

Hi folks, Eman here! I am a total multi-creative that expresses myself in music, photography and podcasting. Originally from Virginia/DC area, I've spent much of my life pursuing creativity and tech. I spent 10+ years photographing bands and musicians before realizing I wanted to perform and make music as "Sunstoney". I am a self taught producer and singer songwriter who started in 2015 while attending VCU.

As a musician I am influenced by Little Dragon, Santigold, Flying Lotus and a lot of 2010's indie/alternative music. It's been a few years now of teaching myself how to produce, use Logic, and I'm  currently on track to release my third EP "The Mirror is Calling".

Sunstoney gets "Keesterfied"

You've got a new song coming out on March 15th, and an EP out in April. What are some of the themes and inspirations behind your new music?

Yes! The title track and lead single to my EP, "The Mirror is Calling", is about coming back to vessel your in, learning how to be alone with yourself and ultimately practicing some self love instead of being avoidant.

A few themes behind this EP involve a lot of deep explorations in nuanced isolation, nostalgia, late stage capitalism and just feeling a higher sense of self. In terms of inspiration, I was listening to a lot of indie/psych pop/r&b like Crumb, Sugar Candy Mountain, Mr. Twin Sister, Yazmin Lacey, and Hiatus Kaiyote.

I'm really inspired by women who talk their shit unabashedly, make you think and ultimately create a warm space to discover yourself further.

What advice would you give to young artists looking to explore music and find their voice? Were there ever times you struggled with taking up space and expressing yourself?

Tinker and experiment! Shadow other artists when they're making music, watch YouTube tutorials, use Garageband! There are many free resources and tools out there. You don't need anything expensive. My entry to music was "musically typing" on my physical computer keyboard via Garageband to make noise before I got a midi keyboard. 

In terms of struggle periods, that still exists! I play by ear, and don't know a lot about music theory...but that doesn't stop me from making noise! In terms of taking up space, I definitely struggled with feeling good enough to share the same stage, opportunities that have come my way...but I recognize that my attempt at art is just as good as anyone else. You have to give yourself some grace, because we are all trying to figure out who we are, where we fit in this machine called music. I also want to see people who look like me making art and taking up space, and to do that I have to show up. If they can do it, I can do it, you can do it too type energy.

You always radiate good vibes and positivity. What brings you happiness? 

Thank you! That's a tough question, but I think what brings me happiness is being present, being unapologetically myself, being a part of a community that tries to make an impact through expression, and sharing art/music with people. We rise by lifting others is the motto!

Find more Sunstoney
Spotify | Linktree | Instagram | The Burnt CD Podcast | Photo Work
Article Photography Credit: Julianna Photography
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