"To the young artist who is struggling to overcome this fear of vulnerability, I want you to know the more you show, the more you grow" - Kaitlyn Williams
Kaitlyn Williams is one of those performers that when you see her live, you feel like you've known her for a long, long time. Her writing and stage presence are full of honesty, openness and vulnerability. As a listener, you can't help but relate to the stories she's telling, even if you've never shared the same experience. It's this talent of bringing people in that makes Kaitlyn Williams such an important member of Denver's music community.
Her newest single, "On 2 U," is an infectious pop song about unrequited love and the pain that comes with that. Kaitlyn's music often balances pain with upbeat pop music, a mark of a truly talented songwriter. If you haven't listened to her before, you won't regret starting now.
I'm so thankful to have her as part of this year's artist features. Take a moment to learn a bit about her and her art.
Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? What's your name and where did you grow up?
My name is Kaitlyn Williams and I am from Denver, CO. I am a musician, singer-songwriter, educator, and lover of watermelon and humans.
What inspires your work? What drew you to being an artist?
Everything is possible inspiration but I find humans and human relationships to be the most inspiring. Creating and maintaining community is also one of my biggest inspirations as an artist. Nature is also hella inspiring.
What are your goals as an artist? What do you hope to achieve?
My goals are to continue growing and evolving as an individual and as a musician. I have goals of touring the world playing music with my band. I would love to see the world and also spread the joy of music.
Being a musician requires a lot of vulnerability. How important is vulnerability in making good music and what would you say to a young artist who is struggling to overcome a fear of being vulnerable?
Phew. What a question. Vulnerability is one of the most important things to me and my music. I have often been told that my vulnerability is a very special trait of mine, but it doesn’t come without it’s struggles too. I write incredibly raw and real lyrics mixed in with ficticious information, and even that is hard sometimes. To the young artist who is struggling to overcome this fear of vulnerability, I want you to know that the more you show, the more you grow. You learn who loves you through your deepest and darkest moments, and who is only willing to hold you on the surface. It is worth exploring and challenging your fears. Also, I love you and I know it’s not easy.
What would you like to plug? (New music, upcoming shows, etc.)
I just released a new single called “On 2 U”. It’s one of my most favorite records I’ve ever made… and a little secret is that the lead vocal was recorded in one take with the band before we even started producing the full track. We didn’t choose to re-record it because it was just too good to try and re-create the performance.

A portion of each sale will go to Kaitlyn.